Means And Ends

I write of the census, Trump’s latest kerfuffle
And how our top court seemed to give him the shuffle
Trump’s purpose was evident clearly to all
Suppress the brown count, their replies to forestall

By adding a question on citizenship
To scare the illegals, their forms not send in
But Trump and his lawyers made up other reasons
And lied to the court, in itself gross malfeasance

The left-leaning justices all voted no
The right-leaning justices most voted go
Except the Chief Justice who clearly switched sides
And faulted Trump’s reasons as being contrived

Though Trump was defeated for spoofing the court,
Four justices, knowing he lied, voted for it
That illustrates those of our court most supreme
Are willing for ends to trump dishonest means


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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