First Debate


Kamala Harris has won the debate
According to pundits opining their views
Joe Biden she chose to accuse and berate
Recalling some forty-year old piece of news

It was about bussing school children to class
The blacks to white schools and the white kids to black
The issue: should government govern the task
Or should local districts choose their way in fact

Joe Biden was for local district control
To choose how and whether cross bussing would work
And he was opposed to a government role
But Harris ignored that, describing her hurts

Either she knew and she falsely laid blame
Or hadn’t done homework in prep for debate
It served well her purpose, all now know her name
But happy I’m not she laid this on his plate

Now, don’t get me wrong, as of now I will tell
I’m favoring Kamala, Joe Biden too
Although Biden handled it poorly as well
They’ll have opportunities better to do

I believe, over all, that they all came across
Most sincerely, adroitly, what each had to say
If I had to choose now, it’d be a coin toss
But I really was thrilled with the strength there displayed


So What?

Trump has committed sexual assaults, so what?

Trump has been violating the emoluments clause, so what?

Trump keeps separating children from family at the border, so what?

Trump lies and lies about everything, so what?

The border children live under inhumane conditions, so what?

Trump’s reckless lack of policy may cause Iran to war, so what?

Trump’s violates the Constitution time and again, so what?

We, the people, we have lost all care

Each gross intrusion on our sensibilities

Treats such offenses like they were not there

We have developed Trump immunities

Ho Hum, Trump’s great for the economy

Ho, Hum, the GDP is doing fine; we think

Ho Hum, stock market’s in uncharted territory

Ho Hum, 401(k)’s up there in the pink

No rhyme, no reason, Trump’s okay by us

Yeah, Trump’s a crook; that too’s not worth a fuss

We are inured to foibles labeled Trump

It’s we, not Trump; we are the laughing chumps


Trump’s War

We almost went to war last night
Against Iran; our ships, our planes
Were on their way to start the fight
Trump launched the raid in clear disdain

Of Constitution’s prohibition
Not to start a foreign war
Without Congress’s permission
Stating what we’re fighting for

The raid was canceled, minutes on
Trump later claimed; his message passionate,
Since they had downed an unmanned drone
This would be viewed as disproportionate

A war was close; this time averted
But all the problems still remain
Trump can’t be trusted, stay alerted
Or he’ll do it once again


The Kushner Sonnet


Young Jared K was interviewed by Fox
His answers left a lot to be desired
His mind is like a nearly empty box
That rattles when clear answers are required

His in-law father for him feels disdain
Yet difficult the tasks put on his head
Since Jared’s blindly loyal, Trump refrains
From criticism, praising him instead

So far he’s failed at each attempted task
Colluded also with the Saudi Prince
And with the Russians, all behind our backs
His motivations hardly do convince

A danger Jared is to everyone
His ignorance is hard to overcome
