A lawless land we soon will be
If Trump continues and Barr too
Defying law and precedent
Trump is the nation’s President
From his example not a few
Feel breaking laws, to do, they’re free
Most Dems in Congress are all for
Beginning hearings on impeachment
Leader, Nancy was resisting
It’s too early she’s insisting
Need more popular agreement
Trump might garner more support
A staunch Republican named Justin
Voting with the Freedom Caucus
Wrote an Op Ed giving reasons
Why impeachment is in season
Giving it a renewed focus
Nancy’s forced to change positions
Court cases, meanwhile, Trump is losing
Subpoenas Deutsche Bank must honor
Trump and Kushner’s shady dealings
Likely problems there revealing
Cover-ups that make one ponder
The subpoenas he’s refusing
It appears no other options
For the Dems but start impeachment
And let the politics play out
Trump acts as though he’s got the clout
And this will be for his amusement
Impeach me if you’ve got the gumption!
Now that impeachment looks more real
Pres. Trump has shown he’s very scared
He threatened that he’ll go on strike
It’s all those probes he doesn’t like
They must be stopped; he must be spared
Exposure of his dirty deals
But try as might he cannot hide
The facts will out; he will not win
And justice really will prevail
His stalls and antics will all fail
He’ll be impeached, ‘twill do him in
With no one standing on his side
Spot on!