Alabama you’re the pits
Down on women’s basic rights
You’re so extreme, it gives me fits
We, men, must also join the fight
I know, I know it’s Roe v Wade
It’s gov control of women’s lives
Keep them at home as pregnant maids
It’s only then they’ll be good wives
There may be some who in their sight
Abortion is a murderous act
The fetus has full human rights
The mother can’t refute these facts
But inconsistencies we see
Old men and white, abortion laws
Extreme, extreme they draft with glee
Unconstitutional their clause
It is my guess; I doubt I’m wrong
On fetuses they could care less
They can’t abide their women strong
Or independent; it’s my guess
So, I’ve advice: in states red, red
Their goal: abolish women’s rights
When men come seeking sex in bed
Just turn away and say: goodnight
Great poelitic