Special Counsel


The Special Counsel spoke today
Thus leveling the playing field
A bit
From what Bill Barr chose then to say
Back when he lied; misleading spiel
To whit

Bob Mueller emphasized two facts:
First, Russia had attacked mid-term
Data theft, cyber attacks
The public should be quite concerned
And then some

The second point he emphasized
That insufficient evidence is not
Trump’s public has to realize
He’s not been cleared as they had thought
In their devotion

Some say this forces Nancy’s hand
It puts impeachment on the table
She’s got elections on her mind
The Dems must win, not be disabled

Republicans with Trump remain
As congressmen they have become
His cult
And AG Barr treats with disdain
The truth; Trump favoring in dumb

And then there is the Constitution
All have sworn it to uphold
By oath
But Trump, avoiding retribution
Is Democracy’s sad road
To death


Trump on Strike


A lawless land we soon will be
If Trump continues and Barr too
Defying law and precedent
Trump is the nation’s President
From his example not a few
Feel breaking laws, to do, they’re free

Most Dems in Congress are all for
Beginning hearings on impeachment
Leader, Nancy was resisting
It’s too early she’s insisting
Need more popular agreement
Trump might garner more support

A staunch Republican named Justin
Voting with the Freedom Caucus
Wrote an Op Ed giving reasons
Why impeachment is in season
Giving it a renewed focus
Nancy’s forced to change positions

Court cases, meanwhile, Trump is losing
Subpoenas Deutsche Bank must honor
Trump and Kushner’s shady dealings
Likely problems there revealing
Cover-ups that make one ponder
The subpoenas he’s refusing

It appears no other options
For the Dems but start impeachment
And let the politics play out
Trump acts as though he’s got the clout
And this will be for his amusement
Impeach me if you’ve got the gumption!

Now that impeachment looks more real
Pres. Trump has shown he’s very scared
He threatened that he’ll go on strike
It’s all those probes he doesn’t like
They must be stopped; he must be spared
Exposure of his dirty deals

But try as might he cannot hide
The facts will out; he will not win
And justice really will prevail
His stalls and antics will all fail
He’ll be impeached, ‘twill do him in
With no one standing on his side




Alabama you’re the pits
Down on women’s basic rights
You’re so extreme, it gives me fits
We, men, must also join the fight

I know, I know it’s Roe v Wade
It’s gov control of women’s lives
Keep them at home as pregnant maids
It’s only then they’ll be good wives

There may be some who in their sight
Abortion is a murderous act
The fetus has full human rights
The mother can’t refute these facts

But inconsistencies we see
Old men and white, abortion laws
Extreme, extreme they draft with glee
Unconstitutional their clause

It is my guess; I doubt I’m wrong
On fetuses they could care less
They can’t abide their women strong
Or independent; it’s my guess

So, I’ve advice: in states red, red
Their goal: abolish women’s rights
When men come seeking sex in bed
Just turn away and say: goodnight


Contempt of Congress

The time had arrived in Judicial Committee
The session was tense and the speeches not pretty
Republicans making disputable claims
The Democrats stating Bill Barr was to blame

Ignoring subpoenas that he testify
Before a House hearing, which he did defy,
And, too, to release the Bob Mueller report
Without the redactions. Else they would resort

To hold in contempt, Barr, for all his inaction
And that’s what they did, venting dissatisfaction
With Barr and with Trump, all subpoenas stonewalling
Defying our land’s Constitution’s sound writing

A clear Constitutional crisis is brewing
Their pledge to uphold it, the Reps are eschewing
While President Trump breaks the law at his leisure
Assuming all power is his, at his pleasure

The Dems must continue to hold Trump accountable
Fighting Trump’s power grabs, raw and despicable
Fighting to keep our Republic alive
So that our great great grandchildren can thrive


Our Dying Democracy


In an op ed by Comey he detailed just why
Republican senators won’t even try
To hold Trump accountable for what they see
That Trump is destroying our democracy

Devouring their souls every time that he lies
They grimace and bear it and let it go by
It’s not worth a challenge provoking Trump’s ire
Or stir up Trump’s base forcing them to retire

Trump’s voters reside in the Fox network bubble
And Trump’s their messiah; outsiders are trouble
The senators fear challengers from the right
They must be supportive in Donald Trump’s sight

The AG Bill Barr has disgraced his department
Ignoring all norms of an AG’s comportment
Distorting on purpose Bob Mueller’s conclusions
Thus favoriting Trump causing public confusion

Meanwhile Trump has issued a blanket refusal
To honor subpoenas, a total dismissal
Of Congress’s duty to do oversight
Forcing the House to engage in a fight

Trump, in a phone call, discussed with Vlad Putin
The Mueller Report and dismissed its conclusions
That Russia invaded by cyber attacks
Our practice of politics warping the facts

In favor of Trump, helping him win the race
Now they’ll do it again; Putin’s hacks are in place
Not a peep from Republicans, they’ll not defy
Donald Trump as they watch our democracy die
