Chabad of Poway

Chabad of Poway

The last day of Pesach, of Passover freedom
The words of the Yiskor, the Rev. did not read them
His hand had been shot by a radical gunman
Intent to kill Jews, all the Jews, lesser humans

A congregant, Lori, was killed by John Earnest
The gunman, while Lori was trying her hardest
To shield Rabbi Goldstein, his hand strongly bleeding
Two fingers blown off, who, himself was then leading

The numerous children to regions of safety
John’s rifle then jammed and he fled in a hurry
He was apprehended and taken to jail
His plan was to kill all but, thank God, he failed

This was just the latest attack on such houses
Of worship both here and as well foreign places
All by white supremacists claiming the white race
Is truly superior, others they hate

That’s Jews, blacks and browns and that’s Muslims as well
That’s LBTQ plus the gays send to Hell
The fit shall survive purifying the race
Of superior whites to rule over all space

It’s their manifesto, their reason for being
It’s their way of masking inadequate feelings
They scorn all religions, God doesn’t exist
It’s kill all believers, all those who resist

The houses of worship as targets are natural
They’re largely unguarded; their openness actual
Where congregants frequently there congregate
A near perfect set up for gunmen with hate

Supremacists now are a terrorist threat
That’s global in reach and are fast growing yet
But President Trump has done nothing so far
It’s time to treat them as the threat that they are


Author: Sabba Rabba

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