Walk and Chew Gum

Walk and Chew Gum

Well, Barr had his day; he was all full of spin
At his morning news conference before the release
Of Mueller’s report telling what was therein
It’s clear that his purpose was Donald to please

Since what he recited had low correlation
With what Mueller wrote; it was not Mueller’s vision
But Donald was pleased; it reduced his frustration
He felt he could claim he was free of collusion

But Bob, on collusion found plenty of cases
Between Trump’s campaigners and high level Russians
And, too, on obstruction there is a strong basis
But by Justice edict Trump’s safe through this session

In spite of Barr’s faux claim of exoneration
Of Trump by the Mueller Report, it appears
That Mueller left Congress that evaluation:
Impeachment proceedings among the House peers

Although it is clear there are many offenses
Reported by Mueller that do justify
A move for impeachment, there is no consensus
That Congress will act and their pledge satisfy

If impeachment movements are not, now, forthcoming
And President Trump gets away free and clear
It’ll set a strong precedence, really mind numbing
That law-wise the Pres. has but little to fear

I opine that impeachment must be on the table
And investigations get well underway
While at the same time pass new laws as we’re able
And campaign like hell so that we’ll win the day


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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