

Pres. Trump is obsessed over staff loyalty
Including his cabinet and his A.G.
Derived from conviction that he’s royalty
In lack of agreement he sees perfidy

‘Twas under Bush senior Bill Barr was A.G.
In doing this function he learned all the ropes
To be independent’s a necessity
Immune from the President’s wishes and hopes

Bill Barr’s reputation was solid I’m told
Perhaps he was feeling his life was a bore
A memo he wrote on the views that he holds
On Presidents’ powers: the better, the more

It got him the job he was angling for
We know Trump was looking to find a Roy Cohn
An A.G. who’d shield him from what was in store
From Mueller, from Congress, from acts of his own

Pres. Trump was successful in finding his man
Who’d pass confirmation remaining in tact
And look like an A,G. while doing Trump’s plan
Bill Barr fit the bill in what others all lacked

Five weeks have gone by since the Mueller report
Was released to the A.G. still hidden from Congress
I’ll get it out next week was, Bill Barr’s retort,
With colored redactions; you’ll just have to guess

But Barr wrote a letter then with his reactions
Purporting to summarize Mueller’s conclusions
Within which he judged Trump home free on obstruction
Opposing what Mueller wrote, causing confusion

The ACA health-care law’s fighting in court
To keep its existence. But Trump wants it closed
Barr, as the A.G., its defense should support
Instead, at Trump’s bidding, Bill Barr is opposed

And then, at a hearing in Senate, Barr claimed
Without any evidence; quoting no facts
That Intel. had spied on the Trumpean campaign
Then afterwards Barr tried to walk it all back

This was unprofessional to say the least
To quote from conspiracies proven untrue
For Trump and supporters it gave them a theme
For Trump twenty twenty to hammer the blue

When adding it up it’s become crystal clear
That Barr is Trump’s puppet; his actions aren’t free
When our chief enforcer of laws we revere
Commits such malpractice it’s true perfidy


Author: Sabba Rabba

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