Since Barr’s rosy reading of Muller’s report
We’re witnessing Trump in his favorite sport
Not golfing, where he cheats his hours away,
But unfettered nastiness in what he says
It really has spooked the Republican men
Of the House and the Senate who worry of when
They might face a challenge at primaries time
From Right Trump supporters’ attacks from behind
So up until primaries they’ll meekly be
Obsequious members of Trump’s coterie
But as politicians they surely can see
That Trump’s not persuaded a majority
Then after the primaries those still in play
Will alter their tactics: from Trump move away
Implying they’re G.O.P. like days of old
Ignoring their prior stance deep in Trump’s fold
And as, in the meantime, Trump’s venom grows worse
His Congressmen followers will feel the curse
Of having to brown nose their President, dear
There’ll be no escaping; it’s what they all fear
That’s good for the Democrats, things looking better
If only they get, finally, their act together
Campaign twenty-twenty, as nasty as sin
But with luck and fortitude surely we’ll win