The Barr Report II


The blue commentaries on blue cable news
Were quick to point out in their Barr missive views
In quoting Bob Mueller the “T” was in brackets
Implying the sentence had some part redacted

That sentence is key to Don Trump’s great elation
His claim of complete, total exoneration
It states Mueller did not prove that Trump’s adherents
Conspired with the Russians in their interference

The question then looms as to why the A.G.
Redacted the words leading up to the [T]he?
It’s clear that Bill Barr didn’t want us to read it
Perhaps it diluted how people might heed it

Whatever his reason, what Barr did portends
The way he will edit it; what he intends
The stuff that’s uncomfortable he’ll redact
And cherrypick only what Trump likes, in fact

‘Twas leaked: the report’s more than three hundred pages
Enough to delve deep, what the volume engages
So if we’re to benefit from Mueller’s findings
It must be released keeping nothing in hiding


Author: Sabba Rabba

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