Tonight Rachel Maddow’s show posed fifteen questions
Concerning the Barr report on Mueller’s findings
Her questions, all fifteen are worthy of mention
But of the fifteen the first three I’m opining
Concerning obstruction of justice she’s asking
Just why no decision? Did he intend Barr
To do the deciding; ‘twas Barr he was tasking?
Since Barr made pronouncements, did he go too far?
On hearing what pundits all day had to say
I’ve formed my opinion, whatever it’s worth
First noting that Mueller did not shy away
On Trump Team collusion. The evidence dearth
Meant no such conviction on that could be made
On obstructing justice Bob Mueller demurred
If evidence or its dearth could have been laid
To yield no conviction, such would have occurred
So I think the evidence points to conviction
By policy Presidents can’t be indicted
So Bob had no choice since to clear would be fiction
He must leave to Congress that justice be righted
I postulate Barr, seeing this, was appalled
And took for himself what is Congress’s role
He made the decision, objections forestalled
Thus, clearing the President which was his goal
As such, I predict for the Mueller Report
Bill Barr with his means will resist its release
And many Republicans, too, will support
Ensuring its contents by us won’t be seen
But, too, I predict that Barr won’t be successful
The courts will support separation of powers
It may take a while, since Bill Barr is resourceful
But Dems. will persist. They are not known as cowards