Bill Barr really did what he said he would do
His own drawn conclusions he published today:
Trump did not conspire; obstruction, none too
The President’s cleared! Vindicated! Okay!
It’s reason to celebrate. Trump has no blame
His lies and deceptions revealed no intent
To cover wrongdoings; ‘twas all just a game
We, now, can breathe easy, no reason to vent
And, oh, by the way, Mueller’s answers these weren’t:
Enough evidence on conspiring there wasn’t
To warrant indictment before a grand jury
Exonerate Trump on obstruction, he doesn’t
But questions remain around Trump-staff behavior
Regarding the Russians, the meetings, the lies
Just what were they hiding, what secret endeavors
And why does Trump cow tow to Putin’s back side?
The Dems are demanding: release the report
In all its entirety, all evidence
Whatever it takes to, the Dems will resort
So Trump may yet get what’s his due recompense