Mueller Report


By now you all know that the Mueller report
Was handed, today to the AG Bill Barr
The fact that it’s over’s a victory of sorts
That Mueller completed it, getting this far

So, what do we know as of close of today
No future conspiracy charge will be made
Related to Russia. Indictments? No way!
Obstruction of justice? No rationale laid

This weekend we’ll learn the report’s key conclusions
As gleaned by Bill Barr in judicious review
Not holding my breath, nor do I have delusions
That from his remarks we’ll hear anything new

Now, having said that I’m as up as before
Bob Mueller’s accomplished in almost two years
Indictments, convictions and more by the score
And Mueller’s report is substantial, I hear

It may take a while and Congressional pressure
To get it released as a whole to the public
But certain I am of release without censor
Revealing new insights on Trumpean antics

That Trump and his minions are cleared is a fiction
With investigations galore going on
In Congress and also non-fed jurisdictions
This starts a new phase now that Mueller is gone


Author: Sabba Rabba

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