A Twitter fit, deluge of tweets, a ranting, raving storm
All by our sitting President. ‘Twas well beyond his norm
A weekend’s avalanche of hate against his treasured foes
The ones his loyal base detests, with whom they’d come to blows
But why this weekend’s diatribes beyond his normal tweets?
He watched TV and fired off tweets, some fifty with repeats
His anger grew each passing hour as did his thrashing out
My guess, he’s deeply worried o’er what Mueller’s all about
And over House committees dredging up his secrets deep
His problem is: he knows what’s there, his past their probes might reap
He feels the walls are closing in; he has no place to hide
His mind is pushed by fear beyond where sanity resides
Some one and twenty months remain to finish out Trump’s term
His anger, his frustration and his fear will grow more firm
As pressure grows, new facts revealed, the more the public knows
Trump’s hold on sanity may slip. We may be drawing close
Would it be recognized as such by Senate Reps.? I doubt
They wouldn’t dare admit it since the Donald wields such clout
Among die hard Republicans, the few that still remain
To whom the senators are wed. That is their only game
It’s hard to say what happens next; how will Congress react
When Trump’s apparent felonies become true, proven facts?
Impeachment? Maybe, not too likely. Squashing such is in
With focus on a twenty-twenty Democratic win