

The question now before the Dems. is to impeach or not
Pelosi said no way unless the Reps. throw in their lot
But some progressive Dems believe their duty’s to impeach
It’s independent of what verdict Senators might reach

What was the purpose of the Constitution’s strong impeachment clause?
To try the Pres. in public, showing that he broke the law,
Or to remove the Pres. from office when he proves a threat?
Arguments support each view; no clear solution yet

High crimes and misdemeanors there’s been evidence enough
For strong impeachment articles; on Trump it would be rough
But senators Republican are loyal to a fault
Supporting Trump no matter what, ensnared within his cult

Both purists and alarmists want impeachment hearings now
The President’s a danger, clear and present; get him out!
House leadership says not so fast; there’s much more to uncover
The public must learn all the facts and Mueller’s full endeavor

As new facts are revealed, imperative it may become
Impeachment as our sole recourse: a really smoking gun
But short of that I side with Nancy; do not this begin
And concentrate on twenty-twenty, Democrats to win


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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