One young new Representative, a Dem. from Minneapolis
Has dominated news this week in Washington’s metropolis
She was accused by some House Jews of anti-Jewish sentiments
Her name is Ilhan Omar, who observes Islamic sacraments
Omar’s opposed to Israel maltreating Palestinians
At least that is her point of view ignoring facts contrary
She’s also down on AIPAC and on Bibi’s gross shenanigans
I, too, am similarly down; my reasons from hers vary
So Ilhan in a public speech employed the phrase as follows:
“… allegiance to a foreign country” clearly meaning Jews
Implying a duality of loyalty that’s hollow
And those on both the aisle sides saw anti-Semite views
An antisemite, that I doubt; she just hates Israel
As does her generation that believes the campus views:
Islamic propaganda, shallow tales of Gazan hell
That’s amplified by social media and by cable news
I think Palosi set things straight, they passed a resolution
On prejudicial hatred of all forms, it thus condemns
But hatred can’t be legislated into dissolution
However its expression can be muted toward that end