The Rachel Maddow show did it once more
Where others factually reported news
And commentators offered their views
Rachel, in character delved to the core
The subject is Cohen’s appearance, we glean,
Before Oversight’s open hearing tomorrow
Which Trump will be watching from Hanoi with sorrow
On seeing his confidant spilling the beans
Mike Cohen has stated he has evidence
To back up his claims of Trump breaking the law
Presuming they’re true, Cohen’s claims, what he saw,
The question becomes: what would Justice do hence?
Would they prosecute Donald Trump for his crime
Committed while President of the U.S.
Or would they attempt to downplay his offense
And leave it to Congress to handle this time?
If it’s the former, our system is working
The White House and Justice are not in cahoots
But if it’s the latter, it’s hard to refute
That a crunch constitutional is in the making