The Congress and the Senate passed the bill to fund the gov.
And money for the border wall was not included there
Pres. Trump will sign reluctantly but he’s not giving up
A national emergency he says he will declare
What I expect are two reactions by Pelosi’s House:
Request a court injunction stopping Trump before he starts
And pass a bill that challenges the danger that Trump touts
The Senate will, then, have to vote, each Senator his part
I do expect this bill to pass; it needs not Trump to sign
‘Twould be the final death knell of Trump’s promised border wall
Of interest more will be how many Senators this time
Decide to vote against their wayward President in all
Defeat upon defeat erodes Trump’s level of support
Among his would-be backers who are not his diehard base
But who Trump needs behind him; losing them he can’t afford
His Senators are watching, planning when they might cut bait