Compromise and Conjecture


Bicameral, bipartisan Congressional adults
Agreed, at least in principle, to funding of the gov.
It took both sides to COMPROMISE to garner these results
It now requires the President’s approval from above

I do believe he’ll sign it thus a shutdown to avoid
And Ann and Rush will chastise him predicting gloom and doom
But senators Republican would strongly be annoyed
Were Trump to cause another shutdown; breaks in ranks would loom

I’m switching to a different subject: Manafort in court
While under oath he chose to lie to Mueller and his team

About his conversations with Kilimnick of the sort
To push a Putin deal, a tit for tat or so it seems

A Russia, Ukraine peace where Putin keeps Crimean land
And also much of Ukraine would revert to Russian rule
Too, sanctions would be dropped allowing Putin to expand
His dominance throughout the world, with Trump his loyal tool

And Trump would gain permission to construct a Moscow Tower
He’d make two hundred million: biggest deal he’d ever had
So Putin went all out to get Trump presidential power
And Trump became a Putin puppet, situation sad

Collusion, yes, conspiracy the public to defraud
Conjecture, yes, I’m guilty, though emerging evidence
Does paint the picture thusly; Mueller’s team I do applaud
The truth will out and Trump will get his dreaded recompense


Author: Sabba Rabba

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