Constitutional Crunch

The Rachel Maddow show did it once more
Where others factually reported news
And commentators offered their views
Rachel, in character delved to the core

The subject is Cohen’s appearance, we glean,
Before Oversight’s open hearing tomorrow
Which Trump will be watching from Hanoi with sorrow
On seeing his confidant spilling the beans

Mike Cohen has stated he has evidence
To back up his claims of Trump breaking the law
Presuming they’re true, Cohen’s claims, what he saw,
The question becomes: what would Justice do hence?

Would they prosecute Donald Trump for his crime
Committed while President of the U.S.
Or would they attempt to downplay his offense
And leave it to Congress to handle this time?

If it’s the former, our system is working
The White House and Justice are not in cahoots
But if it’s the latter, it’s hard to refute
That a crunch constitutional is in the making


Times Un Normal


In the course of times un normal
When news speech becomes more formal
Pondering the happenings that seem to be in store
Cable news breath taking mention
That it’s Mueller’s soon intention
Baring Barr’s undue prevention
To submit his pure report

Mueller’s long awaited score

We won’t know what it’s conveying
Nor what Mueller might be saying
Barr can bar conclusions ever coming to the fore
But reporters will, however
Being more than merely clever
Move to massively endeavor
To obtain Bob’s pure report

Quoth Bob Mueller: it’s the score

Few surprises when ensuing
Won’t contain Don Trump’s undoing
Much redacted from our viewing
Barr will edit every instance of infractions from the score
He’ll release his watered version
And be met with an insurgence
Masses marching in recursion
Truth is what they’re marching for

All Bob’s findings, that and more

What will happen? No prediction
There will be increasing friction
Power held becomes addiction
Tenets of Democracy then threatened to their core
Trump will flaunt the Constitution
Lashing back in retribution
Crippling our institutions
Should Bob’s findings come to fore

Quoth the raven: never more




Situations now emergent
Needing action highly urgent
These we call emergencies
And not Pres. Trump’s divergencies
That he has foisted on the nation
Counter to our Constitution
Taking military funding
Slated for required building
Spending it on wall construction
Most of which would have no function
Other than to satisfy
And his supporters gratify
That he’s fulfilled his stupid pledge
To wall the nation’s southern edge
But Congress will pass legislation
Countering Trump’s declaration
Of a fake emergency
For which there is no urgency
But Trump will veto Nancy’s bill
To satisfy his base’s will
Then it will end up in the Courts
It’s death, I hope then to report


Cut Bait?


The Congress and the Senate passed the bill to fund the gov.
And money for the border wall was not included there
Pres. Trump will sign reluctantly but he’s not giving up
A national emergency he says he will declare

What I expect are two reactions by Pelosi’s House:
Request a court injunction stopping Trump before he starts
And pass a bill that challenges the danger that Trump touts
The Senate will, then, have to vote, each Senator his part

I do expect this bill to pass; it needs not Trump to sign
‘Twould be the final death knell of Trump’s promised border wall
Of interest more will be how many Senators this time
Decide to vote against their wayward President in all

Defeat upon defeat erodes Trump’s level of support
Among his would-be backers who are not his diehard base
But who Trump needs behind him; losing them he can’t afford
His Senators are watching, planning when they might cut bait


Compromise and Conjecture


Bicameral, bipartisan Congressional adults
Agreed, at least in principle, to funding of the gov.
It took both sides to COMPROMISE to garner these results
It now requires the President’s approval from above

I do believe he’ll sign it thus a shutdown to avoid
And Ann and Rush will chastise him predicting gloom and doom
But senators Republican would strongly be annoyed
Were Trump to cause another shutdown; breaks in ranks would loom

I’m switching to a different subject: Manafort in court
While under oath he chose to lie to Mueller and his team

About his conversations with Kilimnick of the sort
To push a Putin deal, a tit for tat or so it seems

A Russia, Ukraine peace where Putin keeps Crimean land
And also much of Ukraine would revert to Russian rule
Too, sanctions would be dropped allowing Putin to expand
His dominance throughout the world, with Trump his loyal tool

And Trump would gain permission to construct a Moscow Tower
He’d make two hundred million: biggest deal he’d ever had
So Putin went all out to get Trump presidential power
And Trump became a Putin puppet, situation sad

Collusion, yes, conspiracy the public to defraud
Conjecture, yes, I’m guilty, though emerging evidence
Does paint the picture thusly; Mueller’s team I do applaud
The truth will out and Trump will get his dreaded recompense


The G.O.P.


Tuesday’s SOTU sort of started off the week
Friday’s hearing’s insolence of Whitaker-speak
And all the sordid happenings from there to here
Involving Trump’s associates of many years
Enough there are of scandals one could write about
Each day a revelation new is trotted out
But that is not what troubles most from where I stand
The impact of The Donald on Republicans

The Lincoln Party that for years was really Grand
True principles conservative for which they’d stand
Served well to counter balance Democrats
Whose social conscience dominated where they’re at
But Trump has flaunted G.O.P. baseline beliefs,
A balanced budget, trade that’s free and tax relief,
By violating almost every tenet held
That so defined Republicans and did so well

Trump’s gross intimidation tactics changed the scene
Trump’s retribution for behavior he has seen
That disagrees with his un-disciplined approach
Has frightened the b’Jesus out of those who’d broach
To criticize The Donald in the slightest sense
Instead they’re mute or even justify Trump’s truculence
This brands the Reps. of Congress all as hypocrites
The G.O.P. we knew no longer does exist


The Union’s State


The Union’s State is strong, the Donald said
And all because of him, he did imply
If not, we’d be at war with thousands dead
That was just one of many blatant lies

Trump’s rhetoric touched on important themes
Like costs of drugs and healthcare dropping down
But they all lacked of substance, empty dreams
That soon will be forgotten all around

The shutdowns, past and future never once
Were mentioned nor alluded to at all
As though they were of little consequence
Trump’s failed attempt at funding of the wall

Trump called for unity and compromise
In areas where all sides could agree
Like infrastructure, but his acts bely
This interest, ‘though, will likely never be

“If we want peace and legislation…”
This is what Trump told his audience
“There can’t be war, investigations”
So far I haven’t figured out its sense
