This week of weeks I do consider
More significant than others
Trump got not his vaunted druthers
Stone indicted, true insider
Trump announced, his voice dejected,
He’s up opening the gov
Most out of pique, not out of love
Since by Pelosi he was bested
Three, the weeks the gov is funded
The team bicameral, bipartisan
Is tasked to hammer out a plan
Secure the border, it’s intended
My guess: it will include some wall
That’s wired smart with many sensors
Trump can claim to his detractors
That he’s winning after all
Roger Stone, the dirty trickster
Signaled Trump that he’s not caving
Mueller’s pressure he’s resisting
Quite unlike Trump’s former fixer
Stone expects a pardon swiftly
Thinking there’ll be no detention
Plus, he revels in attention
I think a pardon is unlikely
Trump would look bad so to choose
As though he’s got a lot to hide
If Mueller wants Stone on his side
He’ll offer what Stone can’t refuse
Two things Trump should have learned this week
The House is not his rubber stamp
The Democrats aren’t in his camp
And Stone to Mueller soon may speak