
As misery spreads everywhere in the nation,
As payday is empty, a dire situation
Trump threatens declaring a state of emergency
To get his wall built even though there’s no urgency

But Trump could care less if a wall is a go
He’s had opportunities answering no
What Trump wants is conflict with him at its core
A chance to blame Democrats ever the more

But people are worried and soon will be desperate
Which may cause behaviors becoming intemperate
But that’s not Trump’s worry; he thinks not of them
His face he will lose if he yields to the Dems.

But Nancy and Chuck can’t let Trump have his way
Or he’d shut down the government any old day
It would be his leverage to get what he wants
To hell with the people as power he flaunts

The key to achieving a true resolution
Resides with McConnell; he is the solution
The Dem’s legislation to open the gov.
Could pass overriding Trump’s veto above

But Mitch is still fuming from Trump’s turn about
Saying he’d sign the bill, then he backed out
So let the Trump stew o’er events of his making
And Mitch will eschew action he could be taking

Before not so long pain will grow to unbearable
Reps. In the Senate will feel pressure terrible
And on Mitch McConnell they’ll finally prevail
To open the government, and they won’t fail


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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