All In A Day

Trump’s Sec Def Jim Mattis in protest resigned
In protest of Trump’s foreign policy place
Spelled out in his letter to Trump that he signed
And delivered to Trump when they met face to face

In two months, or so, he will exit his cell
The last of the grownups to keep Trump in check
And how many generals will exit as well
All rather than staying aboard Trump’s train wreck?

There’s rumor that Mueller’s probes will be completed
In two to three months with a final report
Which, the AG decides how it is to be treated
Who reads it, who doesn’t, what parts to abort

William P. Barr is Trump’s pick for AG
Who once under Bush briefly held that position
He questioned Bob Mueller’s legitimacy
In a memo he meant for Trump’s consideration

It was unsolicited, kept under wraps
Barr’s job application to be next AG
It made Barr Trump’s choice who was perfect, perhaps
Except Mueller’s probes, Barr’s recusal must be

On again, off again gone again Wall
Funding five billion the Senate won’t give
A government shutdown will likely befall
The nation tomorrow as Trump’s Christmas gift

As well as the stock market falling away
It’s entered a region familiar to bears
Affecting all you who have 401k’s
Trump’s negative bonus to add Christmas cheer


Author: Sabba Rabba

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