My Message

A correction I offer of the last poelitic
Seventeen and not five are the probes of Trump’s team
The five are Trump entities, to be specific
All targets of probes, all unlawful it seems

So much new as news that it’s hard to keep track
There won’t be a government shutdown this week
Trump tweeted our Syria-based troops to bring back
Trump’s wall on the border went down to defeat

There’s really much more but my subject today
Is the equities market, what might be in store
As you know the Bull rally: nine years and some days
And then it turned volatile more than before

An index I follow is called SPX
It’s Standard and Poor’s diverse five hundred stocks
Indicative of the whole market complex
It leads the economy several-month blocks

On September twenty a new high that day
Some labeled this Bull trend a bubble extreme
Brought on by the Feds and Trump’s tax giveaway
Since then it’s been downhill, no stopping, it seems

Investors are nervous, will this bubble burst?
And when will that happen, next month or next year?
They hope for the best but they plan for the worst
And that is my message; defense time is here


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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