A Challenge

A challenge, my dear reader, I am casting out your way
On political predictions for next year
I am interested dearly over what you have to say
In replying to the questions listed here

You can answer me by Email or by comment on the blog
Answer serious or funny as you please
And as I receive your comments I will place them in a log
After New Year them I’ll post for all to see

Investigations criminal, some five so far exist
On entities and people Trump controls
When they produce Indictments, what will Trump do to resist
Especially when his family is their goal?

The Mueller probe some time next year most likely will conclude
With evidence on solid grounds of crimes
That Trump, himself, committed, which he’ll certainly refute
Will Congress, thus, impeach him at that time?

That question presupposes Mueller will remain in place
That Trump won’t have Bob Mueller nullified
But if Trump thus succeeds, the probe’s report as such erased
How would the people, Congress then reply?

Although the Dow Jones has been shaky, highly volatile
Most think that the economy’s the tops
But there’s a finite chance, next year, in not too great a while
For this Bull trend to turn around and drop

And if that were to happen, what, then, would be Trump’s response
And what would Congress do to stem the flow?
So many questions more to pose for next year and beyond
But that’s enough for now. Please let me know


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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