Unwinding Further

Tic tock, tic tock
Unwinding further is the clock

As it turns out we got the word
On Rachel Maddow’s show we heard
The reason sanctions meant so much
Not just to Putin’s case as such
But also to the President
No Moscow tower built, it meant
Financing planned from Deutche Bank
Which, too, was sanctioned; that to thank
For halting funding in its tracks
Nor is it clear or known in fact
That Putin ever would approve
It was sly Putin’s clever move
To dangle there before Trump’s eyes
A tower Trump in Moscow’s sky’s
A master, Vlad, at kompromat
He hooked his fish, his man he caught
Since Trump so badly wants this tower
He’s largely under Putin’s power
And were this ever back home known
It’s out of office he’d be thrown
So Trump has done his lying best
To keep this secret from the rest
Of us, that is until this week
When Michael’s guilty plea revealed
Trump’s sordid secret; Cohen squealed

Tic tock, the mouse runs further down
Trump’s Presidency clock’s unwound

Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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