Mister President
The voting’s done and over now
You did quite well.
You only lost by near nine million votes
Your dwindling Party stuck by you
All true and red
Mister President
No matter that you lost
Some thirty nine or more seats
In the House
Two Senate seats you gained
And that’s what counts
Mister President
Elections are behind us now
For at least a year or two
No need, at least not yet,
To demonstrate your manliness
Tear-gassing little children
And their moms
Mister President
How clever you and Manafort
That he a double agent be
To spy on Mueller from within
Plea-bargained fake participant
A promised pardon in the deal
Mister President
No matter schemes nefarious
They manage all to bite you back
The end is not that far away
Your frantic lies won’t serve you well
And you do know the truth