Stock market’s down today
What are the reasons
Volatile trades held sway
Through Autumn’s season
Some days it’s up way high
Only to drop way low
The pundits tell us why
But really they don’t know
Is it political?
On that I’m on the fence
Or economical?
That doesn’t make much sense
What really drives the DOW
Are people’s fears and greed
Plus those few who know how
To make us suckers bleed
Be all that as it may
I think stock’s in a bubble
Not much beyond this day
We’re in for lots of trouble
When bubbles like this burst
They faster fall than rose
They fall to where at first
They started, so it goes
Economies decay
Recession grips the land
One’s politics will pay
A price for where one stands
My sense of timing’s pace
No market resurrection
Is likely to take place
Before the next election