

Prejudice against the Jews has been their fate
It’s probably the oldest one around
That has survived millennial years of hate
Out-cropping when it’s fertile grounds abound

Its why’s and wherefore’s have been studied much
By scholarly historians in their hosts
Their reasons shift with shifting winds, as such
They’re easy prey, too powerful, scapegoats

The Arabs claim they are not anti-Jews
Their beef is with Israelis not with Jews
Israeli Subjects of their wrath are Jews
And were they not, theirs would be different views

The Jews in colleges are held responsible
For Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians
By ”progressive” students’ hatred palpable
Who claim the moral high ground’s their opinion

But what connects these prejudicial norms
From Cossack pogroms to the Tree of Life,
From holocausts to many simpler forms
That Jews endure throughout their daily lives?

I say it’s fear, unmitigated fear
Historically mysterious ethics people
Irrational, deep seated, psychic fear
Expressed against God’s firstly Chosen People


Author: Sabba Rabba

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