Tic Tock

Tic tock, tic tock
Trump’s running down the clock
Tic tock, tic tock
His problems never stop

His lawyer, hit man, confident
Revealed the lies Trump didn’t want
The public ever all to know
The Russian deal he yearned for so
To build Trump Tower Moscow space
Negotiations taking place
While Trump campaigned for President
And Russia was not hesitant
To steal Emails and spread fake news
That favored Trump and right-wing views
Trump wanted this so badly that
He offered up a penthouse flat
A fifty million, Putin bribe
Which Putin deemed a little strange
To him was just like pocket change
Since he’s the richest man on Earth
Some unknown billions Putin’s worth
Nor would he ever so allow
A tower built within Moscow
That has Trump’s name in full display
It’s Putin’s name that wins the day
‘Twas ludicrousness to think he would
Meanwhile on Trump he’s got the goods

Tic tock, tic tock
The mouse refused to climb
Trump’s presidency clock
Is running out of time


Mister President

Mister President
The voting’s done and over now
You did quite well.
You only lost by near nine million votes
Your dwindling Party stuck by you
All true and red

Mister President
No matter that you lost
Some thirty nine or more seats
In the House
Two Senate seats you gained
And that’s what counts

Mister President
Elections are behind us now
For at least a year or two
No need, at least not yet,
To demonstrate your manliness
Tear-gassing little children
And their moms

Mister President
How clever you and Manafort
That he a double agent be
To spy on Mueller from within
Plea-bargained fake participant
A promised pardon in the deal

Mister President
No matter schemes nefarious
They manage all to bite you back
The end is not that far away
Your frantic lies won’t serve you well
And you do know the truth


Post Midterms

With the midterms now behind us
Demos feeling their new strength
Thirty nine seats flipped and counting
House euphoric feelings mounting
Contemplating two years hence
While Republicans just fuss

Would be candidates deciding
Should I run or should I wait?
Must decide soon or loose out
Good staffing talent, there’s no doubt
Becomes more scarce in later dates
Success on early choices riding

Who will likely run this season?
Competition will be sound
Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden
Brooker, Avenatti, Warren
Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown
Others, too, will have their reasons

Harris, Swalwell and O’rourke
These, to mention but a few
Just who would be the best contender
Trump, a clear defeat to render
Lighting hope, our faith renewed?
The path we take has many forks

It is our habit in predicting
Future outcomes of such choices
To assume a future percept
Mirroring the current concept
Full ignoring extant forces
Often with the now conflicting

For example, not unlikely
Markets in securities
May have fallen through the floor
Trump’s touted trend would be no more
A new set of priorities
New problems to be handled rightly

So, statisticians have your fun
The standings of the candidates
Including those still undecided
Or intentions unconfined
Hardly will they correlate
With who will ultimately run


Thanksgiving Turmoil

Turmoil permeates our world
Refugees flee by the millions
From their war-torn Mid East homes
From Honduran deadly gangs                                                                             —–In response we’ve sealed our borders
—–Sent our troops to maintain order
—–Yanked young children from their mothers
—–Refugees are people other
California fires raging
Towns burnt down and lives destroyed
Hundreds killed and hundreds missing
Shelters are survivor filled
—–Weather’s worsening much faster
—–Every month a new disaster
—–CO2 fills more the air
—–Seems our leaders do not care
Starving children die in Yemen
Saudi ships blockade their ports
Thousands shot right here by crazies
Lunatics with power guns
—–We sell weapons to the Saudis
—–Woo the Prince who killed Khashoggi
—–Deep-six weapon legislation
—–Fight to kill gun regulation
We amidst turmoil are thankful
Most of us have been untouched
Living lives in happy fullness
Each pursuing private goals
—–Thankful for the fragile bubble
—–Shielding us from world troubles
—–Thankful, too, for movements yielding
—–Millions marching for world healing


Make America Great Again

The greatness of America
As Trump would have us all believe
As though he’s Ozymandias
The greatness he wants to achieve

America that’s never been
Where money trumps all values else
Where morals never make the scene
And honor’s traded in for wealth

The CIA has certified
Khashoggi was by Saudis murdered
And what’s more they’ve verified
‘Twas done on MBS’s order

But Trump refuses to acknowledge
CIA’s results as fact
Claims that sanctions would be folly
For the Prince’s heinous act

Trump touts Saudi hundred billions
We would lose retaliating
Jobs as well approaching millions
Saudi cash would be creating

What’s one murder among friends
Khashoggi of the fake-news Press
Trump’s means are justified by ends
I doubt he buys the claims he’s said

He knows that It’s just fifteen billion
Twenty thousand jobs, perhaps,
The max commitment they are willing
Getting more’s like shooting craps

Two things I venture to conjecture
Cynical where Trump’s concerned
Things explaining Trump’s behavior
From the gutter, I have learned

Trump is pushing Kushner’s plan
For Israel and Palestine
And also countering Iran
He needs the Saudi Prince behind

The second reason, I suspect:
Trump’s fledgling holdings in the region
Causing Trump to disrespect
Our nation’s values, true malfeasance


Stock Market

Stock market’s down today
What are the reasons
Volatile trades held sway
Through Autumn’s season
Some days it’s up way high
Only to drop way low
The pundits tell us why
But really they don’t know
Is it political?
On that I’m on the fence
Or economical?
That doesn’t make much sense
What really drives the DOW
Are people’s fears and greed
Plus those few who know how
To make us suckers bleed
Be all that as it may
I think stock’s in a bubble
Not much beyond this day
We’re in for lots of trouble
When bubbles like this burst
They faster fall than rose
They fall to where at first
They started, so it goes
Economies decay
Recession grips the land
One’s politics will pay
A price for where one stands
My sense of timing’s pace
No market resurrection
Is likely to take place
Before the next election



As most of you know oft I jump to conclusions
In some poelitical poems I post
Some label me, “seer”, some call it delusion
Be that as it may, it’s what I enjoy most

Often my tellings are really quite obvious
Junkies of politics on the Dem. side
Watch the same channels whose views are commodious
Others who join me are there for the ride

In ten days or less, so the pundits are citing
That something’s afoot in the investigation
That Mueller’s conducting, like maybe indicting
Trump’s buddies or even Trump’s family relations

I’ll venture the guess it will be Roger Stone
The link between Trump and one Julian Assange
The founder of Wikileaks who is the one
Who leaked stolen Emails from Clinton’s campaign

Matt Whitaker, Acting (but phony) AG
Most likely has briefed Trump on Mueller’s intentions
Which caused Trump depression, the worst we have seen
All that plus Trump’s thumping from midterm elections

Matt was made Acting as Trump’s hatchet man
To stifle Bob Mueller’s effective outcomes
I doubt if he’ll last long enough for Trump’s plan
His past will be difficult to overcome

There’s lots more on which I would like to conjecture
On Fathullah Gulen and Prince MBS
Who ordered Khashoggi killed. Trump’s a denier
But now I’m too tired to write, I confess


May You Live In Interesting Times

This curse, ancient China, seems apt for today
Just think, we’re it Hillary President now
Would Dems. have prevailed in the midterms this way
And captured the House? I most certainly doubt

Trump’s made our times interesting if nothing else
He’s done lots of damage and trampled our norms
And we’ve had to live with the cards we were dealt
His ego, his lawlessness, lies and his storms

The cup’s not half empty, it’s really half full
Dem’s turnout this midterm was larger by far
Than it’s been for decades, so let’s not be fooled
Trump spurred us to join in political war

Our big test is coming just two years away
To maintain our fervor and build on our gains
To rescue the White House and Senate that day
These interesting times will have not been in vain



Kyrsten has won and we all say hooray
The Democrats had a victorious day
My state’s on its way to becoming true blue
It’s thanks to Pres. Trump that our blue numbers grew
But Martha McSally may have the last word
My guess: an appointment will bring her aboard

The message of mid-term’s one-sided results:
Denouncement of D.T. in all of his faults
The nation has spoken; let’s get past the past
And work now together for freedom to last
The nation’s hard problems deserve to be solved
No better agenda both sides to resolve


Eleven, Eleven, Eleven, Eleven

Sixteen million lives were lost; the war to end all wars
That war was just the prelude to a greater war that reared
Der Fuhrer was a Nationalist – all Europe was destroyed
And Europe’s bitter memories kept peace some eighty years

But memories have died away; each generation new
Learns not the lessons of the past, embracing fascist ways
Of white supremacy, opposed in everything they do
To unifying institutions keeping Europe safe

It does appear our President abets these right-wing kooks
Embracing their philosophy, our institutions damned
He’s ignorant of history; he never reads a book
With right-wing, dire conspiracies his mixed-up head is crammed

Profoundly I salute all you who’ve served to keep us free
But I denounce draft-dodger Trump whose term has been a bane
Who abrogates what you fought for; no patriot is he
He’ll not achieve what he conceives; your time’s not been in vane
