Twenty Days and Seven

It’s twenty days and seven to Election Day
And what will that day bring?
The Democrats encouraged by what poll numbers say
How true the numbers ring
In politics mere days can often seem like years
So much is happening
Your positives today can turn to future fears
That leave you worrying
Republicans as such will do their very best
To limit polling access
Minorities will have to pass some trumped up ID test
The Rep’s road to success
We’re witnessing before our eyes the GOP’s demise
It is disheartening
Their principles that stood for years, ignored and deemed unwise
Deceit is now their thing
And power, power, raw abusive power which Mitch McConnell wields
And Trump’s abusive lies
Have robbed them of legitimacy beyond what might be healed
The way a Party dies
So on Election Day, where once my vote I used to split
All candidate depending
This time I’ll vote all Democratic, ‘tis my end of wit
Republicans upending


Trump Potentate

It’s time to take seriously what has been happening
The points of political thrust have been sharpening
What used to be center right now is extreme
With downright rhetorical lies, it would seem

We listened to Kavanaugh during his hearings
He spoke with an anger indignant and searing
That this was a hit, calculated, political
Clearly a lie, unabashed and inimical

Conspiracy foisted upon him by Democrats
Ford’s claims were a hoax, which is where Trump is at
Judiciary Republicans backed all Trump’s lies up
The hoax was the hearings, prejudged and corrupt

Pres. Trump, with his ego, can never be wrong
He truly believes all his lies all along
But Senators: Grassley and Cornyn and Graham
Spoke of paid protesters, true facts be damned

They labeled protesters as dangerous mobs
Afraid that free speech might just cost them their jobs
Trump lies and the sycophant senators buy it
As though the protesters were causing a riot

It seems that the GOP’s. Trump rubber stamping
Is Trump’s dictatorial behavior enhancing
Unless they’re defeated this coming November
His power will dwarf all that we can remember


He Made It

Of course you all know that Brett Kavanaugh’s in
The bar’s now so low one would have to crawl under
With Donald as President lying’s no sin
And Mitch’s rule bending, it’s really no wonder

The ends trump the means in Republican views
A Faustian bargain that reaps what it sows
This coming November it’s our turn to choose
And get to the polls everyone that we know

It now is imperative winning the Senate
Since Ginsburg and Breyer are octogenarians
Pres. Trump would right wingers he’d choose for those seats
With dwindling liberals to be court contrarians

What DO I expect now that Brett’s on the bench?
On Roe versus Wade, I expect he’d defer
Until Collins left, so to not make a stench
After that it’s fair game, he’ll do what he’d prefer

On matters of Presidents higher than law
He’ll be a lone voice with his radical views
A minor opinion that sticks in one’s craw
He’ll otherwise join the Right’s normal abuse

Should he be impeached, Democrats win the House?
It makes me no sense since the Senate convicts
A two-thirds majority – not enough clout
So don’t waste the effort, wise battles do pick

So back to the turnout to turn a blue wave
To a tsunami, proportions of note
To keep this land free as the home of the brave
Get all that you know and their kin out to vote


The Fat Lady

The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings
The voting ain’t over till the last vote is sent
Not often does fate opportunity bring
To affect juris prudence for years without end

Some Reps. wanted cover for voting a yea
While holding their nose as they cast forth their vote
A straight-jacket FBI probe was their way
To safely gain cover not rocking the boat

The probe was perfunctory, limited scope
Designed not to find evidence of the truth
Noteworthy by what wasn’t part of the probe
And claims of Judge Kavanaugh not to refute

Senator Heitkamp went out on a limb
Declaring a NO vote – could cost her her seat
Senator Manchin who’s camp are you in?
Will you risk your seat Kavanaugh to defeat?

Collins, Murkowski both seem on the fence
They claimed it was thorough, the investigation
Deep down they both know ‘twas a sham a pretense
That should be rejected with true indignation

Eight thirty, tomorrow the fat lady sings
There’s Jeff Flake as well who could still vote a NO
It’s hard to foretell how the pendulum swings
I don’t think Brett makes it, but really, who knows?


All Honor Jeff

It’s up to you, Jeff Flake; you showed your mettle at the hearings
All honor you for that
You are a true conservative, our institutions thus defending
All honors, too, for that

Your job’s not finished, no not yet
The FBI’s constrained, can’t get
The whole truth waiting to be found
By Trump’s restrictions they are bound

Will you, Jeff Flake, accept the FBI’s conclusions
Based on skimpy facts
No matter what they say there’ll be confusion
How, then, will you react

Side with Mitch or side with Ford
Mitch needs his people all aboard
To vote Brett to the high-court bench
No matter, it will raise a stench

There’s ample evidence, not counting on the probe
Which Brett’s already shown
That fit, he really isn’t for a SCOTUS robe
His smooth veneer was blown

He lied throughout while under oath
It’s yea or nay; it can’t be both
So Jeff what will your answer be
How’ll you be viewed in history
