Trump in rallies loves to mouth incendiary words
Like: lock-her-up, and body slammer – he’s my kind of guy
Free Press, the people’s enemy, their lies are all that’s heard
Words have their consequences, unintended oft, denied
Trump says when at his rallies he, at times, gets swept away
And makes exaggerations; not to take him literally
It is his way of pumping up his base; he markets hate
He markets fear, debases critics; they’re his enemy
Words have their consequences: five pipe bombs today were mailed,
All set to blow on opening, to top-tier Democrats
Who’ve been Trump’s objects of abuse, the targets he’s assailed
As luck would have it none exploded, all against the stats
Just think, had any bomb gone off what would have happened then?
Domestic acts of terror spurred by words that Trump has shrilled
Words have their consequences, Trump fanatics, angry men
Today’d go down in history: the day when Dems. were killed