Appalling is Khashoggi’s killing
Add to that our President
Appearing eager and quite willing
To join Saudis in their spinning
Washing white this incident
MBS above the law now
Known as Mr. Bone Saw now
They’ve started an investigation
Knowing that it is a sham
Based on false interrogations
Yielding preordained conclusions
Innocent! the truth be damned
MBS was not involved
He will neatly be absolved
Another Saudi will be blamed
And probably be put to death
A thousand curses on his name
His family will then live in shame
Perhaps the Press will soon forget
With MBS then in the clear
Their journalists will live in fear
And Trump will have it all his way
Continuing his Saudi deals
In arms and in some private plays
Supporting MBS does pay
It’s tangible. It’s real
And MBS is still Trump’s friend
His means are justified by ends