Trump’s Misogyny

At times of an evening while sipping at scotch
I’ll read Lisa Lerer: Times’ “On Politics” notes
Soft spoken her style, placing her up a notch
About today’s politics here’s what she wrote

Trump tweeted about Stormy Danials this morn
How HE won their lawsuit and gloatingly claimed
He’d “go after ’horseface’ …” exhibiting scorn
The same he’s shown others which Lisa then named:

Megan Kelly, she’s ‘bimbo’, blood out of wherever
For Heidi Klum sadly no longer a ten
And Heidi Cruz: photo shown which she would never
Then, Carly Fiorina: that face couldn’t win

Alicia Machado: disgusting, Miss Piggy
And Mika Brezinski: a bad bleeding face lift
And then Omarosa: ‘That dog’ was his diggy
Arianna unattractive both outside and in

The Rep. Maxine Waters with a low, low IQ
And Elizabeth Warren: Pocahontas, Trump’s label
And then there is Hillary: ‘crooked’s’ all Trump could do
He can’t stand smart women they sense he’s less able

This Year of The Woman we’ll see domination
By women who’re running and voting at polls
Egged on by Trump’s animus, their deep irritation,
To reshape our government will be their goal


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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