Of course you all know that Brett Kavanaugh’s in
The bar’s now so low one would have to crawl under
With Donald as President lying’s no sin
And Mitch’s rule bending, it’s really no wonder
The ends trump the means in Republican views
A Faustian bargain that reaps what it sows
This coming November it’s our turn to choose
And get to the polls everyone that we know
It now is imperative winning the Senate
Since Ginsburg and Breyer are octogenarians
Pres. Trump would right wingers he’d choose for those seats
With dwindling liberals to be court contrarians
What DO I expect now that Brett’s on the bench?
On Roe versus Wade, I expect he’d defer
Until Collins left, so to not make a stench
After that it’s fair game, he’ll do what he’d prefer
On matters of Presidents higher than law
He’ll be a lone voice with his radical views
A minor opinion that sticks in one’s craw
He’ll otherwise join the Right’s normal abuse
Should he be impeached, Democrats win the House?
It makes me no sense since the Senate convicts
A two-thirds majority – not enough clout
So don’t waste the effort, wise battles do pick
So back to the turnout to turn a blue wave
To a tsunami, proportions of note
To keep this land free as the home of the brave
Get all that you know and their kin out to vote