A Glimmer of Light

A thoughtful BLOG subscriber, lady Leigh
Made comments on the poelitic, Hate
Amidst the antisemitism, she
Could see a hopeful glimmer, feint, of light

“M Power Change” and “Celebrate Mercy”, too
Both Pittsburgh Muslim active organizations
Began a fund to help the mourning Jews
To lay to rest their dead, their contribution

They raised one hundred thousand for their plight
And all across the nation candle throngs
Of solemn marchers of all faiths shined bright
The glimmer grew to many thousand strong

This country will not tolerate such hate
Of Jews, of Muslims, Blacks and Browns, and Asians
Of caravans escaping killer states
We are the melting pot of many nations



Love is not the opposite of hate
It is the conjugate
Encompassing a wide range of emotions
While hate is simply and intensely hate

Love embraces, hate consumes
Robert Bowers was consumed, was overpowered
He had to kill the Jews
They were the force behind Trump’s caravan
Of murderous illegals marching to invade

In love we mourn their deaths
And celebrate their lives

Like you I’ve witnessed on TV mass murderings
With empathy my heart reached to embrace those left to mourn
I wrote to Congress and contributed
To no avail

This time I felt it differently
Since I’m a Jew. I once lived there in Squirrel Hill
These were my people being killed

And now my feelings seem more clarified
The pain is sharper; empathy on steroids
Not just for Tree of Life – the victims and survivors
But also for all other victims murdered thus

A deeper manifestation of what’s love



Some people live to hate – starting with themselves
Deep felt Inferiority breeds contempt
For others seen as better off than they

Hate’s also passed along with mother’s milk
Attitudes taught children by example
Feels good to hate; you know that you’re superior

And hate is flamed by rhetoric political
We versus them; they are the enemy
Defeat them by all means

Eleven Jews were slaughtered just like that
The murderer’s premier regret
He hadn’t killed way more

Another hate mass shooting joins the list
Of crimes evoking verbiage in response
Which soon just fades away

The rhetoric resumes as was before
It’s okay openly to show your hate
And act accordingly


MAGA Bomber

Cesar Sayoc, Trump fanatic, mailed off bombs in pipes
Targeting Obama, other Democrats: same plight
But none of them exploded: bomber failures, fourteen strikes
How many others out there thinking they can do it right?

People breathing easy that the bomber has been stayed
The FBI and law enforcement doing well their work
So back to politics unusual, politics Trump’s way
But what I see, of such attempts, that this was just the first

Despite our President’s disdain for news of “this bomb stuff”
Distracting from fear mongering about the caravan
Of seven thousand women, children, men who’s wills are tough
All fleeing tyranny by foot, a thousand miles to span

Since once a new scheme trots itself across the public stage
A gaggle of me-too-ers are inspired to imitate
So I expect some new attempted bombings – the new rage
Trump critics must be vigilant since this could be their fate



Trump in rallies loves to mouth incendiary words
Like: lock-her-up, and body slammer – he’s my kind of guy
Free Press, the people’s enemy, their lies are all that’s heard
Words have their consequences, unintended oft, denied

Trump says when at his rallies he, at times, gets swept away
And makes exaggerations; not to take him literally
It is his way of pumping up his base; he markets hate
He markets fear, debases critics; they’re his enemy

Words have their consequences: five pipe bombs today were mailed,
All set to blow on opening, to top-tier Democrats
Who’ve been Trump’s objects of abuse, the targets he’s assailed
As luck would have it none exploded, all against the stats

Just think, had any bomb gone off what would have happened then?
Domestic acts of terror spurred by words that Trump has shrilled
Words have their consequences, Trump fanatics, angry men
Today’d go down in history: the day when Dems. were killed


Caravan of Migrants

Five thousand migrants caravanning north through Mexico
Five thousand individuals who’re just like you and me
All desperately escaping murder gangs, propelled to go
Because of gross atrocities, for life they had to flee

Honduras, Guatemala, state regimes corrupt throughout
Their governess in chaos, gang-rule reigns out on the street
Intimidation: join or die; these threats reveal their clout
It’s forced mass emigration; families voting with their feet

It’s reminiscent of some five and eighty years ago
Fleeing Nazis, Jews by thousands being turned away
And forced back in their mortal danger, nowhere left to go
Soon history will repeat itself if Donald has his way

Five thousand’s not beyond what I.C.E. could handle readily
Instead Trump wants his base fired up; midterm’s just days away
He treats them like the Huns invading, gaining steadily
If he can cause their plight more pain perhaps away they’ll stay

But if the Dems can wrest control, at least the House take back
Pres. Trump would see his ratings drop and certainly take note
That working more with Democrats his ratings might gain track
To help these desperate migrants, reason more for Dems to vote



Appalling is Khashoggi’s killing
Add to that our President
Appearing eager and quite willing
To join Saudis in their spinning
Washing white this incident

MBS above the law now
Known as Mr. Bone Saw now

They’ve started an investigation
Knowing that it is a sham
Based on false interrogations
Yielding preordained conclusions
Innocent! the truth be damned

MBS was not involved
He will neatly be absolved

Another Saudi will be blamed
And probably be put to death
A thousand curses on his name
His family will then live in shame
Perhaps the Press will soon forget

With MBS then in the clear
Their journalists will live in fear

And Trump will have it all his way
Continuing his Saudi deals
In arms and in some private plays
Supporting MBS does pay
It’s tangible. It’s real

And MBS is still Trump’s friend
His means are justified by ends


Twenty Days and Counting

Well, it’s twenty days and counting
But my breath I am not holding
With election tension mounting
Seems Republicans are folding

Their concern for voter turnout
Rising to a fever pitch
Exercising all the States’ clout
Casting voters off their lists

Voters who are not Caucasian
Blacks and Browns and Indians
Who embrace the wrong persuasion
Suffer their shenanigans

It’s their surest way of winning
Since they’ve nothing much to run on
Tax cuts for the rich, providing
Bupkis for the common workman

A Justice who’s Conservative
Who lied and lied while under oath
Who’s past conveyed a narrative
Repelling women and their votes

For Dems it’s still an uphill climb
With gerrymandering and all
The House this time I think is fine
The Senate’s just too close to call


Trump’s Misogyny

At times of an evening while sipping at scotch
I’ll read Lisa Lerer: Times’ “On Politics” notes
Soft spoken her style, placing her up a notch
About today’s politics here’s what she wrote

Trump tweeted about Stormy Danials this morn
How HE won their lawsuit and gloatingly claimed
He’d “go after ’horseface’ …” exhibiting scorn
The same he’s shown others which Lisa then named:

Megan Kelly, she’s ‘bimbo’, blood out of wherever
For Heidi Klum sadly no longer a ten
And Heidi Cruz: photo shown which she would never
Then, Carly Fiorina: that face couldn’t win

Alicia Machado: disgusting, Miss Piggy
And Mika Brezinski: a bad bleeding face lift
And then Omarosa: ‘That dog’ was his diggy
Arianna unattractive both outside and in

The Rep. Maxine Waters with a low, low IQ
And Elizabeth Warren: Pocahontas, Trump’s label
And then there is Hillary: ‘crooked’s’ all Trump could do
He can’t stand smart women they sense he’s less able

This Year of The Woman we’ll see domination
By women who’re running and voting at polls
Egged on by Trump’s animus, their deep irritation,
To reshape our government will be their goal


Jamal Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi was kidnapped and murdered
It now is quite widely believed
‘Twas inside the embassy, Saudi in Turkey
This dastardly deed was achieved
The Turks have recordings and video filming
The torture, the murder throughout
That prove ‘twas the Saudis so blatant and gory
Which leaves almost no room for doubt
Jamal was a journalist, a Saudi national
Residing in the US
He worked for the Post, admired by most
Was critical of MBS
Mohammed Bin Salman, the Saudi Crown Prince
Denies it was at his behest
The Saudis had nothing to do with what happened
Perhaps the whole story’s a jest
Meanwhile, unconvinced is Trump, but if it’s really true
The measures we’ll take will be stern
Will sanctions be levied on arms sales to Saudi?
Of course not, that’s money we’d burn
One hundred ten billion in arms sales to Saudi
Job  losses would be very high
Except it’s not so; four Pinocchios true
We’re awarded to Trump for his Iies
Trump’s financial ties to the Saudi regime
Purported to be billions strong
Will dictate his handling of this sad affair
Not values we’ve stood for so long
