An Undone Deal

This tale is of two senator friends
One was blue and one was red
Judiciary sat both men
‘Twas there Friday early that morning

The blue, Chris Koons, the red, Jeff Flake
Were there to vote on Kavanaugh’s fate
Jeff Flake had said that he’d vote a yea
A done deal there late Friday morning

But two things happened Jeff to sway
Two ladies stopped him on his way
To join the hearings; had their say
He should be voting strongly nay!

And in the hearings Chris spoke out
The whole procedure put in doubt
Judiciary’s wielding clout
Unfairly there on Friday late in the morning

And Jeff by Chris was clearly moved
They conferenced in a separate room
Then other blues joined with the two
To conference Friday late in the morning

Jeff’s deal was he would not vote aye
The nomination, thus would die
Unless they called the FBI
A one-week probe to find the lies

As such the done deal was undone
The Senate Dems. this round had won
And Kavanaugh is likely gone
‘Twas there Friday late in the morning


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “An Undone Deal”

  1. Well said! I have left a message on Senator Flake’s Facebook page to thank him for taking a stand. While on his page, I noticed he is catching a lot of heat from the right. He needs some messages of support to offset the heat. Please consider calling or writing and asking others to do the same.

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