Lindsey and Judicial Listenings

Lindsey and Judicial Listenings

Today I question Lindsey Graham, the senator
Who started kissing Donald’s bottom realm
Trump turned you so around and promised you
Perhaps, post voting’s firings as Trump will do,
The offer of old Foggy Bottom’s helm
The fate of State, for you to be inheritor

We witnessed in these mock Judicial listenings
Where questions by Ms. Mitchell and by Democrats
Were deemed too tough for Kavanaugh to answer
Caused Graham on cue to loudly scold said senators
For so interrogating Brett as though inquisitors
This set the stage: Judicial Reps. no words to spare
In praising Brett how great his juris facts
And damning Democrats for gross conspiring

Although Professor Ford was most convincing
In clearly stating her traumatic tale
And to her questioners was forthright answering,
Committee Reps. behaved as though she failed

Meanwhile Brett Kavanaugh had come out swinging
He pouted and he shouted and he cried
He blamed the Dems for hatching a conspiracy
As retribution having lost the presidency
Accusing them of stories full of lies
But dodged all questions: why not FBI?

Judiciary’s quest for truth’s a sham
Just politics, by god, all else be damned


Author: Sabba Rabba

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