Judge Brett Kavanaugh

At his hearings Judge Kavanaugh gave a good speech
Filled with what for-SCOTUS candidates preach
Up holding not molding the laws of the land
He’d be non political where he would stand

He spoke as a son, as his daughters’ dad too
As coach for their basketball team as dads do
His teaching, his interns, an all-around guy
But refused to shake hands with Fred Guttenberg. Why?

Fred’s young daughter, Jamie, at Parkland was killed
But Brett is opposed to all gun-safety bills
His archly-conservative writings reveal
How much his case judgements partook of his zeal

One paper he published concerned prexy power
It’s why Trump had chosen him, there in Trump Tower
He claimed current precedence badly was flawed
A person, while President’s above the law

His hearings, this morning, chaotic and frayed
The Democrats, fuming all called for delay
Reports, more than one hundred thousand, were hid
From Dems. about actions that Kavanaugh did

As Counsel to Bush through the war in Iraq
And claims he had made not born out by the facts
But Grassly refused and the show will go on
The hearing’s a travesty, Trumpean con

Our President mired in felonious deeds
Selected a candidate based on his needs
For someone who’d save him when he came to trial
With Reps. rushing hearings o’er such a short while


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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