Trump touched to his noggin a finger
His eyes intense slits and unblinking
Regarding the market this zinger:
‘Twill crash hard “without this [my] thinking “
Impeachment was strong on Trump’s mind
Expecting the Dems. soon to win
The mid-terms with Reps. well behind
Thus, bringing more Democrats in
The grounds for impeachment are real
Since Trump co-conspirator was named
In felonies that he concealed
For this he would surely be blamed
The market for stocks is near peaks
Peaks that are true all-time highs
Although over-bought, as I speak,
It’s due for correction time nigh
Trump’s right that he aided the rally
Of stocks since he came into office
His tax bill supplied the rich money
To buy stocks on which they made profit
But now many investors are uneasy
Politics Trump are viewed: being iffy
They’ve caused recent increased volatility
The stock bubble could collapse in a jiffy
So again Trump is right in his comment
Should removal from office really happen
Bubble burst could be triggered that moment
Or time sooner or later but ‘twill happen
So yes, Trump can point to his temple
And credit stock peaks to his thinking
While evidence gathers that’s ample
To land Trump, ere long in the clinker