Trump’s Behavior

Historically what are we witnessing when watching Trump’s recent behaviors?
A man who’s becoming increasingly afraid in the midst of his failures
His failure to silence his critics who’ve grown this past season by legions
His failure to oust Robert Mueller pursuing him on beyond reason

The noose ‘round his neck’s getting tighter. Conviction, the first will occur
In the Manafort trial by Mueller, making Trump all the more insecure
And vindictive against his opponents, vile language, degrading to utter
Too, John Brennan’s top clearance he cancelled but John’s neither cowed nor a quitter

I do recognize Trump’s gross behavior: he’s a man stressed beyond tolerance
Who regards autocratic demeanor as his means to reduce over-stress
He is sick in the head, say detractors. His responses erratic and slow
I can guess how he’ll be after mid-terms, his unfitness to serve, more will show

But Republicans most turn a blind eye to Trump’s blatant grabbing of power
His corruptions, the staff’s and his Cabinet’s they ignore fearing tweets of displeasure
But when Trump is relieved from his office as will happen time sooner than later
They will claim they were really against Trump and their vote record’s all that should matter


Author: Sabba Rabba

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