Coming unhinged over truth from the Press
“The Press is the enemy…, hateful, all bad”
It’s what Trump is saying; he’s under such stress
Not just ‘bout himself but also his lad
Don Junior’s in jeopardy: Trump Tower meeting
Involving the Russians and Hillary dirt
Don’s story keeps changing, denying, retreating
From what he had said, what he last did assert
In fact Mueller’s team on that meeting has focused
Collusion with Russians against campaign laws
Trump Senior’s involvement goes not without notice
Mike Cohen claims Trump’s been involved all along
So what’s Mueller’s game plan, his goal for this case?
On this I’ll conjecture; it’s my poet’s right:
Indict Donald Junior, the charge that he’ll face:
Conspiring collusion, his case water tight
Establish the venue: New York District Court
So Trump could not pardon him, try as he might
Then quietly tell Trump what’s in his report
Enough to impeach him; it’s not worth a fight
Then Mueller will offer to make Trump a deal
He’ll ease up on Junior, just levy a fine
And Mueller’s report will remain under seal
If President Trump would agree to resign