Game Plan

So what is Trump’s game plan, I think it exists
Full knowing that Mueller on him has the goods
It’s too late to stop him; no cease and desist
Would now be effective if firing he could

Point one, stall the process ‘till after elections
By claiming with Mueller he’ll prove his defense
But never agreeing to terms or to questions
And blaming Bob Mueller for intransigence

Point two is to ruin Bob’s good reputation
Convincing the public of Deep State conspiracies
So that his conclusions are met with negation
That Russian collusion is all fallacy

With Trump’s dwindling base they’ll believe what he’ll say
And threaten those shivering Reps. in the House
Should they, for impeachment dare vote with a yea
They know, the next primary they will be out

Meanwhile Trump still claims Russian meddling’s a hoax
While chiefs of our Intel broadcast: it was clear
That Russia’s attacks are ongoing, no jokes,
With greater intensity than prior years

Late does beat out never, so credit is due
About ninety days to the mid-terms remain
There’s still enough time for good measures to do
Protecting elections by using block chains

Or simply store data on thumb drives removed
From off of computers when not being used
And have paper copies that have been approved
Of registered voters, not likely confused

It’s time to ignore Trump’s behavioral stats
To concentrate more on the problems at hand
Protecting elections from Russian attacks
And thwarting autocracy Putin has planned


Author: Sabba Rabba

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