Judge Kavanaugh

Judge Kavanaugh, indeed, was nominated
By Trump to the Supreme Court of the land
Republicans were, most of them, elated
For Democrats Trump’s choice was very bad

Bret Kavanaugh has all the proper pedigrees
He clerked for Justice Kennedy back when
Yale law and Circuit-Court judge, if you please
His term some forty years might well extend

Trump chose him from the Heritage finals list
Of judges qualified by standards Right
On Roe v. Wade, Obama Care, you get the gist
And Democrats are gearing for a fight

They worry that their children grand and great
Will grow up in a world devoid of rights
For for people making choices whom to mate
Abortion of a fetus criminalized

A world where business interests are supreme
A world with Presidents above the law
It’s these potentials Kavanaugh’s appointment seems
To, thus, evoke in Dems. emotions raw

For all of that, they’ll lose eventually
As long as Reps. control the Senate floor
But if Dems blockf confirming of this nominee
And in the mid-terms regain dominance once more

A new ball game with Democrats back in control
A pipe dream? Maybe. Still a worthy mid-term goal


Democracy Itself

Received a few replies from time to time
From people happy to receive my little rhymes
They say it helps in keeping up with news
Although they sometimes differ with my views

They also say news channels they don’t watch
Since all his policies Trump seems to botch
His braggadocio speeches, his rebukes
Just turn their stomachs sour; makes them puke

I, too, have problems that are parallel
I shake my curled fist and want to yell
I hear his voice and press hard on the Mute
His visage sometimes causes me to hoot

Be that as may, distasteful though these things
Aware we must remain of happenings
That touch our lives; we need to understand
And not to stick our heads beneath the sand

For, ACT we must in every way we can
To join, to call, resist throughout the land
To vote them out, supporters of this fake
Democracy, itself, is what’s at stake


Ho Hum

Ho hum, what’s happening with Trump today?
Ho hum, Scott Pruitt said goodbye
He was the leader of the swamp
The others couldn’t quite keep up
With fifteen scandal suits, oh my
Ho hum, will Wheeler take his place?

Ho hum, now just three justices remain
Ho hum, all certain: no on Roe v. Wade
Trump’s choice will dominate the news
Like Central Casting he will chose
Appearances that make the grade
Ho hum, I’d bet on Kavanaugh to gain

Ho hum, Fox News’s man, one William Shine
Ho hum, he was enabler for Ailes
In all his sexual pursuits
He left Fox News but not his roots
Dep. Chief of Staff in Trump’s detail
Ho hum, communications he’ll design

It’s not a ho-hum situation
Asylum seekers sent to jail
Three thousand kids in separation
From their parents. Trump’s creation
HHS responsible and failed
No records matching children to relations

What’s happening with Trump I could care less
What’s happening with kids displaced from moms
Is uppermost of my attention
Keeping families in detention
Cruelties of Trump that give me qualms
He’s the guilty cause of all this mess


Trump’s Fourth

Our Day of Independence we celebrate with pride
The founding of our nation, unique from those before
A bitter war was fought against King George who strongly tried
To thwart our independence. Our founders won that war

What’s more they ratified a novel Constitution
Where we, the people govern and not some sovereign king
Where all are born as equals with rights; no class distinctions
Where emigres turned citizen enrich with what they bring

We’re witnessing, this year, a change with Trump now President
His actions flaunt the Constitution, graft and greed prevail
He denigrates our institutions thus ignoring precedent
And sports a racist attitude: non-whites presumed to fail

A strange and scary thing about Pres. Trump is taking place
We’re losing our won sovereignty; the Russian Federation
Is giving Trump directions: weaken NATO, cause disgrace,
Ignore their interference, cede Crimea to their nation

So, on this Four July we now are losing independence
A dictator has arisen who replaces old King George
Some are losing rights and freedoms, liberties, no recompense
Subservient our Congressmen, all victims of Trump’s scourge


SCOTUS Vacancy

You know I am convinced of Russia, Trump collusion
The outward evidence all points in that direction
And justice he’s obstructed as well as spread confusion
Trump’s mannerisms indicate his guilt, no hesitation

It isn’t obvious that Mueller will succeed
In finishing his probes before Trump gets him fired
Presuming Mueller does by picking up his speed
Conclude that Trump, in fact, against our laws conspired

The question then becomes what can the Counsel do?
A sitting President can Counsel then indict?
Impeachment is one path but Congress may refuse
Can Trump as President self pardon for his slights?

These questions, terrible and full of legalese
Eventually will reach Supreme Court of the land
Where judges, two of whom are Pres. Trump appointees,
Will be the final arbiters, thus their decisions stand

If my presumption’s true and Mueller isn’t fired
What judge with self respect would want to live the stain:
Appointed by a President who proven did conspire
For Russia’s help to win all through his sham campaign?

I call upon all Judges who Trump does offer up
To fill the vacancy in SCOTUS, no excuse
On challenges before the Court concerning Donald Trump
To pledge and not renege that he’d, himself recuse
