A New Feather

Caught up in the day-to-day noise of the news
Those facts and opinions of experts with views
Some well formed conjectures and some off the cuff
Politicos can’t get enough of this stuff

Each evening some new BREAKING NEWS fills the air
It gets to a point where there is no there there
The rest of the world becomes frozen apace
While our President hatches another disgrace

To gain some perspective I read current books
By authors involved through the paths their lives took:
James Clapper, James Comey, Steve Myers, Dave Corn,
Barb Boxer, Mike Wolf, Michael Isikoff, Steve Coll

The book I’m now reading, don’t view this askance
“The Plot to Destroy…” written by Malcolm Nance
He lays out Vlad Putin’s beliefs and his goals
Concerning America and Pres. Trump’s role

It’s chock full of insights all backed up with facts
And how cyber warfare supplants land attacks
An axis of autocrats banding together
Including Pres. Trump. Vlad’s hat has a new feather


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “A New Feather”

  1. Right on! An excellent view of all of this crazy, horrible political stuff and besides that this is.a really good poem

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