What do Republicans have against children?
Trump, in particular, seems to take joy
In actions that caused disbelieving bewilderment
Ripping from parents young girls and boys
Kidnapping kids, a new U.S.A. policy
Based on the brown coloration of skin
Latinos, a menace, a Trumpean fallacy
Reason for capturing kids from their kin
As bad as this is it does not stand alone
The Reps., who gave wealthier voters tax breaks
Are cutting the funding, stripped down to the bone
Of key children’s programs where health is at stake
Nutrition, that’s SNAP, also health-care, that’s CHIP
Their funding has had many billions removed
Safe air and safe water have both taken hits
And dangerous pesticides have been approved
Concerning the housing where poor people dwell
Their minimum rents have increased triple fold
And what’s most important and timely as well
Our youth’s education funds slashed, it be told
Republicans say they’re for family values
“Home, God, and Country” is their claim to fame
But their treatment of children, I’m right here to tell you
That they should be hanging their heads down in shame