
Republican Congressmen sighed their relief
Since Trump changed a word of his traitorous reply
When asked in Helsinki whose words he believed:
Dan Coats, DNI, or Vlad Putin’s big lie

These Congressmen bought Trump’s ridiculous spin
While knowing he’s lying it gives them an out
So that they’ll do nothing, no probe’s will begin
To try to determine what Trump’s all about

So why are our leaders in power so lax
In countering Russia’s mass cyber intrusion
That made Trump our President behind our backs?
The logic of this brings me to one conclusion

It’s not about Putin as Trump’s puppeteer
‘Though Trump’s gross behavior implies something’s there
Nor likely collusion nor deep-seated fears
It’s something quite practical when brought to bear

Republicans want to maintain their control
Of Senate and House this November’s mid terms
They fear the great blue wave that’s started to roll
The stats are against them; their hold is not firm

But with Russian help it might better their chances
Preserving majorities, maintaining power
Protecting Pres. Trump from impeachment advances
They need Putin’s help or their plans would all sour

So look for your Congressman playing charades
Denouncing the cyber war aimed at our people
But secretly thanking the Russians in spades
While keeping our countering efforts most feeble


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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