Traitor Trump

A traitor’s a person who sides with the enemy
Backing their views at expense of our own
When the traitor’s our President what is the remedy?
That’s the real question now; that’s the unknown

‘Twas there in Helsinki, especially today
Pres. Trump chose quite publicly Putin’s pure lies
Over all that our Intel top chiefs had to say
Denigrating our Country, our Intel, our spies

It clearly appears Trump behaves like an agent
Under control of the Russian regime
He buys Putin’s lies even when they are flagrant
And does Putin’s bidding lock-step so it seems

Bob Mueller has proven the Russian involvement
In helping the Donald become President
Trump knows this is true but he cannot accept it
‘Twould place in his ego a terrible dent

What’s more, Mueller’s probe’s likely garnered more truth
Of what Putin’s holding above Donald’s Head
Both Putin and Trump want to stop him, forsooth
Before it’s made public – diversions instead

That Trump is a traitor there is little doubt
But Congress Republicans, weak at the knees
Will talk but do nothing toward moving Trump out
Come this next November they’re gone, it’s my plea


Author: Sabba Rabba

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