Unanimous except for two, the Senate vote
Affirming our commitment to our NATO ties
Essentially rebuking Trump’s much harsher note
At NATO Summit criticizing, spewing lies
Trump’s aim appears to be dismantling
Our deep alliance lasting seven decades long
They’ve stuck with us through thick and thin in battling
Aggressive forces everywhere to right what’s wrong
So why does Trump behave this way? Not out of fear
It pleases Putin, benefactor of such acts
A goal that he’s been nursing, lo these many years
Now Trump is doing Putin’s work. These are the facts
To me it is most obvious what’s happening
That Trump and Putin secretly agreed some years ago
To help Trump win as President, no easy thing,
But should Trump win, it would become, then, Putin’s show
Putin desperately wants the EU to dissolve
And NATO to become late history’s dust
To be the head of oligarchies so resolved
To sublimate themselves to Putin as a must
I call upon Republicans and Democrats
To recognize the perils this portends
And work, with zeal, to counter Trump’s destructive acts
To keep our world from being turned upon its end