Judge Kavanaugh

Judge Kavanaugh, indeed, was nominated
By Trump to the Supreme Court of the land
Republicans were, most of them, elated
For Democrats Trump’s choice was very bad

Bret Kavanaugh has all the proper pedigrees
He clerked for Justice Kennedy back when
Yale law and Circuit-Court judge, if you please
His term some forty years might well extend

Trump chose him from the Heritage finals list
Of judges qualified by standards Right
On Roe v. Wade, Obama Care, you get the gist
And Democrats are gearing for a fight

They worry that their children grand and great
Will grow up in a world devoid of rights
For for people making choices whom to mate
Abortion of a fetus criminalized

A world where business interests are supreme
A world with Presidents above the law
It’s these potentials Kavanaugh’s appointment seems
To, thus, evoke in Dems. emotions raw

For all of that, they’ll lose eventually
As long as Reps. control the Senate floor
But if Dems blockf confirming of this nominee
And in the mid-terms regain dominance once more

A new ball game with Democrats back in control
A pipe dream? Maybe. Still a worthy mid-term goal


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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